Tuesday, December 13, 2016

MOD 16 Blog

1. What were you expectations for this course and where they met?
My expectations for the course were met. I was able to learn more about art fundamentals. This gave me a better unit of analysis when appreciating art.
2. Now that you've been through this course, What is art? How would you define it now compared to your intial posting?
I would take a similar stance that I did in my initial posting. Art is a form of expression. It can represent tactile or imaginary ideas. It uses a range of mediums and can be presented in numerous ways. Art can basically be almost anything that can be enjoyed, thought provoking, and transcended through time.
3. Who was your favorite artist in your original posting and who is your favorite visual artist now? If there is a difference, why do you think so? If you have the same favorite artist, why do you think so?
 I do not believe I put a favorite artist. My favorite artist is Monet and it has not changed. I love that style, I am fascinated with it.
4. Now that you've completed this course, how do you feel about taking an online course? Is your answer the same as it was in your first posting? How is it the same or different?
My answer is the same. It works great with my busy hockey schedule. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mod 15 Blog - Self Portrait blog

    Yoo, Geun Taek, 1999, "Self Portrait," Black-ink and conte, gouache, powder of white on korean paper
   Vincent van Gogh, 1889, "Self Portrait," oil on canvas
    Edvard Munch, 1904, "Self Portrait with Brushes, 

1. Why did you select the inspiration pieces?

I really enjoyed the quick brushstrokes and style.

2. Why did you select the media to create your self-portrait?

It was easy to fix any mistakes. Pencil was the best medium for the project.

3. What challenges did you face in creating your self-portrait and how did you overcome them?

4. How does this piece represent you?

This is me with one of my favorite hockey memories. My team won the Sutherland Cup in the GOJHL.

5. What elements and principles of art did you apply in this work?

Lines and emphasis. Lines create the work, the emphasis on the trophy, face, and logo illustrate the important pieces of the work. 

6. Did you enjoy working on this project?

I am not good at drawing, but choosing a good photo to recreate helped me enjoy it a bit more.

7. What do you think of your final artwork?

It represents me and the moment the way that I wanted it too. 

I used Google Art for the photos of the famous artists self portraits.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Art Curation Reflection Blog


The process was much more involved that I truly ever thought. The amount of effort and careful consideration that art curators must do when creating an exhibit is paramount in creating a successful exhibition. Every little detail matters whether it involves the space, lighting, choices of artworks, organization of art, etc.

Learning about this got me pretty excited to do this project. I bounced around with a few ideas for my theme. The first was urban lifestyle in the 20th century. I decided to go with a war theme and use it to track artist's depictions of war over the past centuries. The artworks illustrated how there are a few different ways that artists generally depict war scenes:

  1. Romanticized
  2. Brutal & Bloody
  3. Dark & Desperate
  4. Energetic Propaganda 
The way that war is depicted still carries the moral weight with it. I am happy that I chose to do this theme because it was quite enlightening 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Module 13/14: Video Blog Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Lowdown on Lowbrow:
  • Lowbrow is a new take on surrealism
  • Lowbrow is not surrealism 
  • Lowbrow takes guts and is all inclusive
  • Found in sign paintings and advertising
  • Lowbrow came around the early 60's especially in South California
  • Drawing was a big deal, understand the basics
  • More open to women that an other movement in art history
  • Lowbrow and comic books share a common thread
New Tate Modern:
  • Tate Modern in England has brought back the culture to the old industrial city
  • Holds modern and contemporary art
  • Divided the art world and created much controversy
  • The young tend to struggle with contemporary art, sometimes it's the exact opposite
  • Tate is the most visited contemporary museum in the world
  • Vanity is culturally changing within society 
  • Tate includes performance art, pushes the boundaries of what is considered art
  • Art is always evolving
An Acquiring Mind:
  • Sometimes, areas of collection must be reviewed and augmented
  • Collections may even take pride in including art this is disliked
  • Photography is also included 
  • Much goes into the selection of a collection for a gallery
  • Sculptures are also considered for how they are staged
  • Curators will spent an unbelievable sum of money to obtain works that they consider are needed for their collection
  • Some acquisitions can be varied or thematic where each collection within a gallery creates a different change based upon geography, timeline, themes, etc.

2. Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art Exhibition project? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.

The last video applies to my project. It helps me to understand the importance of a theme and how it can alter the viewer's interpretation of the work. The Lowbrow video helped me understand what creates a following for a particular style of art. This can be considered when deciding on a theme for the project. The second video aids in deciding what route to take on the type of art that I want to choose. Some viewers may not enjoy what you put in your collection. You have to decide on what matters the most to you and what you want your collection to do for the viewer.

3. What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to understanding of the art concepts you practiced while creating your curation project?
I enjoyed the Lowbrow video the most. It was very interesting and actually quite fun. The Tate video was also interesting. The last video was by far my least favorite, but it did help me with the art project the most. The Tate video also helped, but I was more interested in the old building rather than the artwork.